We are always in the process of updating this list of directories. If you have information to share or updates to make, please contact us at ask@freegan.info !
We depend on people emailing us updates to keep these entries accurate and to expand them. If you have something to contribute or know of other resources for people trying to live outside of capitalism, let us know at ask@freegan.info. Outside links are fine if they are strictly non-commercial in nature. Thanks!
Dumpster Directory: Where to rescue stuff retailers throw out, mostly food but includes locations of other retailers. Because we’re in NYC it’s pretty New York-centric– but we’d be happy to add any info you send us.
Reuse/Recycle Directory: Bring your stuff here rather than the curb, get stuff here rather than at stores.
Trashwiki: A directory you can add to directly, with at least “stubs” set up for most locations around the world. For now it’s fairly European in focus, but that changes with who adds to it.